Friday, July 27, 2012

We are worth more...

“We have not, as a society, built a water system designed to deliver only clean water to the rich but dirty water to the poor. We have not typically told the poor that if they truly cared about the quality of their water, they should obviously drive farther and pay more money for it. And yet, that’s what we say about healthy food.” Tracie MacMillan, author of The American Way of Eating. (

Wow, is that not an insightful sentence? I have never looked at it that way, have you? We have as a society said that we need clean, safe water to each and every person in our country. However when it comes to food, we allow companies and money to dictate how we nurture our bodies.  Even when the United States Department of Agriculture attempts to offer a small step toward a healthier diet, politicians, cattle associations, and others throw a hissy fit ( 

I like money; I would like more money… I am not opposed to creating wealth (and I am sure that this blog it my ticket to fame and fortune)… but not at the expense of others. Not knowing that I am hindering someone from obtaining real, pertinent, and accurate information about the sustenance needed for themselves and their children.

My point is we fight for causes every day, we protect endangered animals, we fight for people’s rights to protest/occupy, we pull together for tragedies… but do we fight for information to protect our children’s health, or our health for that matter.

If you don’t want to pull out your protest signs, or start firing off emails to shut down Monsanto… do this one thing, fight with your grocery list. 
Start small, add more variety, and soon it becomes second nature.   You can do this... you should do this... 

Now if you will excuse me I have to return  this soapbox I seem to be standing on...  

Go cook something real…

Broiled Zucchini

Slice a zucchini into planks or rounds, brush with a little butter and sprinkle with your choice of spices

Broil for a few minutes for a little color, add some grated cheese and broil again until cheese is melted (I like mine dark brown and crispy). 


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Holy Squash!

Summer and the never ending squash

as seen in The Source ( July 2012

I know that by the end of the summer most people are sick and tired of zucchini, but not me. I am ready
for the plethora of low calorie tasty dishes that can be made with the every bountiful squash. In the past
I have made mock apple pie, pickles, lasagna and spaghetti (with ribbons of squash instead of pasta),
ratatouille and more. I bake, boil, broil, fry, grill, marinate, julienne, and so much more.

I recently spent a week in Washington D.C. and it seemed that every restaurant had a grilled veggie
sandwich on the menu. Slices of yellow squash, zucchini, bell peppers, and red onion; marinated in
balsamic vinaigrette and served on a delicious whole grain bun with hummus. As a tried and true
carnivore I was hesitant to give it a try, but I am very glad I did. The Sammy was so filling, and the fresh
taste was not heavy at all.

My point is you have a great opportunity to start using the vast bounty from this versatile plant. So start
thinking and planning now!

Here is my latest squash addiction:

Grilled Marinated Zucchini and Peppers

Serves 4

4 small green or yellow squash sliced into planks (1/4 inch thick)

2 bell peppers (yellow, orange, or red are my favorites) cut into quarters with seeds removed

2 tablespoons of olive oil

½ teaspoon each of: granulated garlic, paprika, kosher salt, celery seed

¼ teaspoon each of: black pepper and cumin

Mix all spices together

Preheat grill (or grill pan, or broiler)

Add cut veggies to large bowl, drizzle oil to coat, and while tossing or stirring vegetables sprinkle spices
evenly. Let rest for 5 minutes.

Grill until your desired level of char. I like mine to be well marked.

Serve as a side dish or on a sandwich or just sneak pieces while the rest of the food is cooking.

Now go cook a squash!