Saturday, April 04, 2009

My recipe for the economy...

The economy sucks, and with that great vacuum money and joy tends to wane. Luckily saving money on food can help with both. This is a depression era dish that my wonderful Grandma Hillman used to make. It is called 'Crumbs' I am sure it was thrown together with whatever was on had at the time, can you imagine living in a time where everyone was struggling to make it work and doing whatever they had to do to get by??? oh wait maybe you can imagine.

The recipe originally did not include any type of meat, and it included a fried egg on top whever they were available. My recipe does not include the egg on top but it does include a tasty and versatile protien source.

Feel free to adjust to your liking and then let me know what you did..

With due respect to my Grandmother Melba Grace Hillman, here is my version of her depression era dish.

Pork and Crumbs

4 large potatoes cubed
1 large onion diced
1 lb pork loin cubed
¼ cup olive oil
2 eggs
1 cup flour divided
salt and pepper to taste

Heat oil in a large deep skillet

In a zip top bag mix ¼ cup of the flour and salt/pepper (as you like) add cubed pork loin, shake to coat.
Add pork to hot skillet carefully even brown all meat, remove from oil.
Add cubed potatoes to oil and brown evenly.

Mix remainder of flour with two eggs and beat to a thin pancake consistency.
Add pork back to potatoes and toss with egg mixture to coat.
Fry until crispy, serve with white kidney beans.