Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Unreal Candy giveaway from the Mommyhood Chronicles..

When I say unreal.. I am not using a superlative adjective, I am talking about the new candy from UNREAL brands. The UNREAL candy line does not include any chemicals, artificial colors, corn syrup, and excess sugar, and they taste great!

Our family is extremely sensitive to chemical food coloring. We are very aware of everything we consume to ensure that it does not creep into our diet...

Image courtesy of antpkr /

I was surprised at how many things have artificial food coloring:

Macaroni and Cheese
Medicines (over the counter and prescription)
and the list goes on...

There is a big debate on food coloring, in other countries they either use natural colors or they have to put a warning label on the food. What really frustrates me is the same companies that are making adjustments for other countries are still feeding us this poison and our Food and Drug Administration is condoning it...

Ok.. so much for my rant... I really hope you will check out this awesome candy and let me know what you think! 

Check out their website Get UNREAL and then head over to The Mommyhood Chronicles to enter her contest to enter to win!

Comment here or connect with me at
