Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Pancakes from a can? Yes siree bob!

Sounds bad right? But it is not!

I picked up a can of Batter Blaster (unfortunate name) and decided to give it a try.

In a word, tasty! It comes out of the can like soft whipped cream and spreads slightly in the pan. Wait for the bubbles to flip. I was impressed with the taste, texture, and the ease of preparation (ha ha). Even the kids and the wife liked them.

So food from a can? It can't be good for you, can it? Well the ingredient list is actually pretty good.

I don't care about the word organic right now. Meaning, I am not convinced that organic is any better than the others, but if the ingredients are decent then I am happy. There is a lack of chemical additions and that makes me happy.

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