Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Corporate travel gets better

So the first day was dinner with friends and it was great food and even better company thanks to the hospitable Templeton family!

The next night was easy and delicous at Chik-fil-a...


Today for lunch I had an amazing salmon teriyaki...

The salmon was seared on one side and the teriyaki sauce was sweet and spicy!

Tuesday night it is sushi and tempura with the ladies of human resources.

I had tempura dinner #1. It included 8 pieces of spicy tuna sushi and tempura veggies with shrimp.

I went on the edge here, I like sushi but I have only tried a few kinds. I loved the flavor of the spicy tuna, but the texture was not my favorite. The tempura was delicious and for dessert the presented us with cut oranges.
From this photo you can tell I kinda enjoyed the food and the company.

Let's see what therest o the week brings.


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