Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ch Ch Ch Chia... Chia drink!

Wait a minute... you want to drink your chia pet? Ummm no, well ok maybe in a
weird way. Hey have you heard about the new craze sweeping the nation?
Chia seeds are all the rage. They have only been around for a few
thousand years and just now is the American public realizing what they
are and what they can do for you!

Why should I eat/drink/ingest chia seeds?

First off they are fun (they swell and take on whatever liquid you soak
them in, tea, juice, etc.) They are high in antioxidants, fiber, omega 3
and 6, and the list goes on.

Nutritional content for Chia seeds: Serving size 1 ounce (28 grams),
Calories: 137 Fat (total) 9 grams, Carbohydrates 12 grams, Fiber 11
grams, Protein 4 Grams

How should I eat/drink/ingest chia seeds?

Soak them in water and add them to dishes to increase the vitamin
content as well as add low calorie bulk (decreases caloric intake weight
Let them soak up your favorite iced tea and enjoy like a healthy bubble
Add them to cereal, salads, cookies, etc...

Google the possibilities and you will most likely find versions of
Iskiate, a delicious limeade made with chia. The recipe could not be

Juice of 1-2 limes
1 tablespoon chia seeds
Sweetener (agave, stevia, sugar, honey, etc.)

Mix the water, lime juice, sweetener together to combine, add ice and
chia seeds. Let rest for 5 minutes and enjoy.

p.s. I heard about this from another local food guy Nick at Some of his recipes and ideas have really inspired
me. So, check him out and let him know I sent you over.

I will be posting some more ideas soon, so check out my site at and in the mean time, go eat some seeds!


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