Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday experiments...

Today was busy, just like every weekend, we had basketball and basketball and then we had some basketball... Actually my wife and I did have a date night, thanks to Grandma for watching the boys Saturday night. We took a few minutes to take a picture or two and the we raced to see "The Vow".. let me just say that Channing Tatum kinda ruins it for every guy in the theatre. It was a good movie and we had a very nice time.

I love where we live.. the views are magnificent and the weather is great 95% of the time.

So on Sunday I wanted to make some thing new... I have been formulating a recipe for a couple of weeks and finally had the time. This is what I made:

Can you guess what it is? Give up? It is a chayote crisp. What the hell is a chayote? It is a mexican squash., it is like a vegetable pear. It is crisp and juicy, but there is no sweetness. I have done a couple of things like dicing and adding to soup, last night I fried it like a potato, and I saw in this month's issue of Food Network Magazine, there is a recipe for chayote-jicama salad. My wonderful El Salvadorian friend looked at me like I was going to grow a second head when I told her my idea of the dessert. So I had to give it a try. I peeled, seeded and sliced the chayote in a basic apple slice shape (is that an actual description?), tossed with cinnamon sugar and topped with a simple topping (butter, cinnamon, sugar, old fashioned oats). Baked it at 350 degrees for about 25 minutes and it looked amazing.

The taste was very bland... :( So I added a little pancake syrup and a pinch of salt and that made a big difference. I will add more flavor prior to baking next time.

Now before you get all crazy on me.. there was some indications that it would work. Check out this urban legend.

I like it and will be trying to incorporate the vegetable in more dishes.

Second experiment of the day...

Leftovers part II... my wife made a delicious dinner a couple of nights ago, it was diced pork in a light bbq sauce. I heated the meat in a skillet with the sauce and added a wedge of Weight Watchers Jalapeno cream cheese.

I let the sauce reduce and then spooned on to whole wheat hot dog buns with a slice of slice cheese. Popped them into the broiler and served...

Judging by the speed in which my 13 year hoovered these sammies down.. I am thinking this may be a keeper.

I have some more ideas coming up and I hope you enjoyed these random thoughts...

Now go cook something!

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