Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Holidays in the kitchen...

Thanksgiving is over and I am assuming that everyone has recovered from their food coma... No? Well get ready, because now we have to contend with holiday parties, cookie exchanges, and still more holiday dinners.

Man, do we love to eat... I love the excitement of trying something new, as well as the feeling I get when I introduce a new food to a friend.

I, however, do not love the way I tend to overextend my belt, during this season... I mean that in the best possible way, but temptation is everywhere.
Fudge, cookies, cider, hot chocolate, turkey, ham, potatoes, rolls, and the hits just keep coming. 

How do you maintain a healthy relationship with food during this crazy time?

Relax! Do not associate food with love, friendship, respect, etc. Food is still fuel. Go out, have fun, get together to see each other and make sure we appreciate our friends and family, but it does not have to include bad food.

Have a treat, indulge your sweet tooth, but be aware of what you are putting into your gas tank (for some of us that is a little too accurate).
OMG... You over did it during the holidays???? How could you? Off with your head!
But seriously folks... What would happen? You put on a pound or two? I am sure it will be fine. Enjoy your holidays, don't fret too much and make choices going forward that you can accept.
Here are a couple holiday indulgences that are quick and easy:

3-2-1 Cake (This recipe is perfect for the office)
3 eggs
2 cups sour cream
1 cake mix

Mix all together and pour into an oiled/floured microwaveable bundt pan.
Microwave on a turn table for 15 minutes and remove from the microwave.
Cover the pan with a sturdy plate and let it rest for 5-10 minutes.
Turn the cake and plate over and the cake should come right out.
Garnish with whipped cream, fruit, chocolate syrup, etc. Enjoy

Primal friendly Grok rocks! (courtesy of Mark’s Daily Apple)
60% cacao Ghirardelli chocolate chips (this are very rich, dark chocolate)
Dried plums, (prunes) cut in half

Melt chocolate in a microwave safe bowl in 30 second intervals (stirring every time) until melted.
Dip plums in the chocolate and place on parchment to cool.

These sound a little weird, but they are amazing. They are a decadent candy with two ingredients.

Now go celebrate! See you next year, unless the Mayans were right...

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Happy holidays!

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