Monday, July 08, 2013

Summer grilling, had me a blast…

Summer grilling, had me a blast…
I like to grill pretty much year round, but obviously summertime is primo for cooking outside. Not only can you keep the house from getting too hot, but you can also produce flavors unparalleled in the kitchen.
Flame, smoke, marinades, rubs, and the list goes on. Even the simplest seasoning can be enhanced by the grill. Gas, charcoal, or hardwood it makes no difference, the idea of cooking outdoors like a caveman or cavewoman is all that matters.
I use a propane gas grill and I am still learning. I am a short order cook by nature and have very little patience for taking my time when it comes to getting food on my plate… but as I said I am learning.
I am learning to not turn the heat up to high, I am learning to keep one section of the grill as a warming area, I am learning to be let my food rest before serving… all things that improve the experience.
I recommend that you do some research, find a book, website, or a friend and start cooking. It is the best hobby in world because most of the time you can eat your mistakes.
My latest foray into grilled deliciousness was my own version of bacon cheeseburgers.
First I put raw bacon in my food processor and pulsed it until it was sorta like ground beef. Then I mixed the bacon with hamburger, Italian sausage, spices, and shredded cheese. The result was a burger that was out of this world.

Awesome bacon cheeseburgers
1 lb bacon ends and pieces (ground)
1 lb ground beef
1 lb mild Italian sausage
½ cup shredded cheese
Salt, pepper, granulated garlic to taste
Mix all ingredients together and form into patties, I like a little bigger burger so I weighed them to be 6 ounces.
Grill on medium heat until cooked through (the the pork sausage needs to be completely cooked).
Give this recipe a try and let me know what you think, or what you did different.
Now go grill something! Trace

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