Monday, March 14, 2005

Recipe - Adult dessert


I had the craving for a strawberry banana salad, like I used to get when my Grandparents would take me to Furr's Cafeteria. So I picked up the berries and the nanners, and added a 1/8 cup of sugar and 1/2 tsp of vanilla. My kids went nuts over it.

I go to thinking, hmmmm.. I have some Vanilla Rum.. so I made the same recipes and added a splash of vanilla rum and a pinch of salt. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed this "adult" treat. Next time I will add some crushed mint.

Strawberry & Banana Salad

1/2 lb of Ripe Strawberry sliced
2 med bananas sliced
1/8 cup sugar (or sweetener)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Adult version: replace vanilla with vanilla rum, and add a pinch of salt.

spoon into a champagne glass and enjoy!

Some say I have an overactive imagination. I firmly deny this. Half the time the things I bring up are not my ideas - they are the ideas of my imaginary friends

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