Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Food: an essay

What is food? Essentially it is fuel. Sustenance is required to function but flavor makes the function worth it! The idea that you can be a chemist and an artist and a provider all at the same time is exhilerating and daunting at the same time.

Everyone has ideas and certain people have the ability to transform those ideas into masterpieces that not only sustain us but the also feed our souls.

I imagine that every person has that magical food that brings them to a place or time in thier lives. Is it grandma's chicken casserole or dad's once a month breakfast for dinner that reminds you a of happier time? Maybe it brings a sadness of missing a person or an adventure that was glorious. I think about my Nanny's cream corn and fried chicken that she would make every time we would drive across the country to visit relatives in Alabama. Memories like Dad adding beer to his meatloaf or Grandma always making peanut butter chocolate icing for my birthday cake.

Food can be associated with good and bad memories, when I miss my late sister I think about how she would put ketchup on her cornflakes (she was four years old). It is a bittersweet memory, but still sweet.

Maybe we can share those experiences through this blog, maybe I am just a nut obsessed with food, but, I know I am not alone. There are more of you, than would like to admit, that have a weakness. So maybe we band together to enjoy life and food and each other.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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