Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Egg Muffins, no really muffins!

Egg Muffins

Adapted from the Primal Blueprint cookbook by Mark Sisson.

These are good ol’ Colorado egg muffins, notice there is no Scottish influence in the name. These are quick fast food when you are making them and if you freeze them they make a great snack/meal anytime.

Easy you say? How easy? Mix together a bunch of stuff and back it. Simple, no?

Ok seriously. I wanted to do some investment cooking for meals to take to work this week and I wanted it to be healthy. So I grabbed eggs, leftover steamed veggies, bacon bits, cheese and a few other items to make these beautiful and tasty treats.

I told you they were pretty…

Egg Muffins

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

6 eggs beaten

¼ cup milk

½ cup shredded cheese

Leftover veggies, meat, etc.

Salt and pepper to taste

Beat eggs and milk until light yellow, add in all additional ingredients. Ladle into oiled muffin cups (I love my stoneware muffin pan) and bake for about 20 minutes. Let cool slightly and remove from pan. Enjoy!

Let me know what you think by commenting or visiting me on Facebook!

Now go cook something!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mesa County Public Library 2011 Edible Book Contest

What the HECK is an edible book?

I had the same question! Turns out it is food that represents a book or story. 

We had 7 amazing creative entries in the first edible book contest at the Mesa County Public Library on Saturday July 9, 2011. 

I was asked to be a judge along with Mande Gableson from Ava Sweet Cakes and we had a great time reviewing all the entrants and determining who we thought was best in all the different categories.

Speaking of categories, here they are:

Best pun intended- these should make you laugh

Most book like- these should look exactly like the cover or represent the cover very closely

Most appetizing- these should make you hungry

Most creative- most original, artistic, or most design oriented

Here are the entries:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets By Alex and Adam Chavez
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by Victoria Chavez

Aladdin by Lyndi Cates

Who Moved My Cheese by Nancy MacDonald

God Save The Sweet Potato Queen by Janet Alcon

Life of PI by Linda Ciavonne

The Two Towers by Linda Ciavonne

See what I mean, fun but not easy. 

Perplexed Trace

The coordinator for the event was Betsey Dick from the Mesa County Public Library and the idea is to increase interaction with books and the library. 

Here are the judges and Betsey:

There were several winners and I might post there names after I come down from the sugar coma!! 

Now go cook read something!


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Food ADD (Attention Defi... ohh look a pizza)

Food ADD

Sometimes I get strange ideas about food. I think about strange combinations of flavors and textures, or mixing things together that don’t seem to be a match (i.e. black bean brownies). I am not saying I am original, I’m just saying that I have foodie ‘ADD’. I hear about someone’s favorites dish and my mind goes crazy thinking of ways to make it different, or better, or whatever. Some people look at this as an insult to their recipe and therefore I keep my mouth shut, but my head goes nuts, or bananas, or fruit loops… I think you get the picture. 

I am not an extreme food kind of guy, I like interesting stuff, but I cannot get behind some of the nasty things people eat to be different. I can eat Rocky Mountain Oysters, but I cannot eat horse semen, even if it tastes like custard (google “Hoihoi tatea”). I can eat some interesting things like pork rinds, but I cannot stomach the idea of pickled pigs feet or chitlins. I think that we will all eventually be eating some form of insect on a daily basis, but I am not starting until I have to, so no grubs, fried ants, or cockroaches for me, yet. 

What does all this mean? It means that we can always be a little daring and try new things without turning into Andrew Zimmern. Well unless you want to shave your head and look like a relative of Uncle Fester…

My strange concoction this month is a blend sweet and tangy. I made Apple Butter BBQ sauce for pork chops. It was very delicious with seasoned roasted vegetables and pureed cannellini beans. 

1 lbs pork loin chops
½ cup bottles bbq sauce divided
½ cup apple butter divided
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
½ Liquid smoke sauce
¾  cup Chicken stock
1 tbsp Butter
Season pork chops with salt and pepper and set aside. Combine ¼ cup bbq sauce with ¼ cup apple butter, mix in Worcestershire and smoke sauce with about ½ cup of water. Stir to combine. Add pork chops to ziptop bag and pour in marinade. Let rest in refrigerator for 1 hour.
Prepare pan for broiler, when meat has been marinated, drain and discard marinade. Place pork chops on broiler pan and broil for approximately 5 minutes per side (depending on thickness). In a sauce pan combine remaining ingredients and heat to a gentle boil until thickened. Serve pork chops sliced thinly with additional apple butter bbq sauce.

Let me know what you think of the recipe by emailing me at cookingwithtrace@gmail.com or visit my website at www.cookingwithtrace.com. Now go cook something.



There is no food in the house!! What can I eat??? Why don’t you love me anymore??? These are all phrases I have unfortunately heard because of lack of prepackaged foods. I always respond with “well let me see what I can make” and then the quest begins! What do I have in the fridge? Leftovers? Why the hell would anyone want to eat leftovers? 

Cuz they are awesome! Leftover veggies, a random pork chop, ½ a baked potato, etc. We have the technology we can rebuild a meal and it will be better than before (insert bionic music here). There are so many options when it comes to being resourceful in the kitchen.
Hash (the food not the opiate) is really just ingredients chopped up and added together, cooked until crispy and served. What could be simpler? It makes a great meal for any time of day.
Frittata (sounds impressive, no?) A frittata is a cross between an open faced omelet and a crust less quiche. You can add just about anything to eggs and cheese and it will turn out pretty damn good.
Open faced sandwiches, sloppy joes, quesadillas, burritos (they do not have to have a Mexican theme, we like PB&J rolled up in a whole wheat tortilla), all of these ideas can be improved upon and made to be your own specialty!

Leftover hash!
Leftover broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, peppers, etc.
Leftover baked potato or 1 small raw potato per person.
Leftover protein – Ham, steak, hamburgers, pork chops, chicken (boneless)
Olive oil
Salt, pepper, hot sauce (optional)
Preheat skillet with a little olive oil
Dice or rough chop all ingredients to about the same size. **** If the potato is raw dice it first and add to hot skillet (be careful) to brown first.
When potato is crisp I add the rest of the ingredients and toss together to mix. Let the mixture cook turning a few times to ensure that all pieces has been allowed to heat through and become golden brown and delicious.
Season with salt, pepper, and hot sauce. Serve piping hot maybe with a little shredded cheese on top.

Now for a closing rant: We have become as a society, one that changes the word associated with something to make it more appealing, examples: Used car=pre-owned vehicle (really, they owned it but it wasn’t used?),  used furniture =previously loved furniture (ewwww no thanks), etc. I say we call them leftovers and embrace our frugality and innovation.  

 Now go cook something!