Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Egg Muffins, no really muffins!

Egg Muffins

Adapted from the Primal Blueprint cookbook by Mark Sisson.

These are good ol’ Colorado egg muffins, notice there is no Scottish influence in the name. These are quick fast food when you are making them and if you freeze them they make a great snack/meal anytime.

Easy you say? How easy? Mix together a bunch of stuff and back it. Simple, no?

Ok seriously. I wanted to do some investment cooking for meals to take to work this week and I wanted it to be healthy. So I grabbed eggs, leftover steamed veggies, bacon bits, cheese and a few other items to make these beautiful and tasty treats.

I told you they were pretty…

Egg Muffins

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

6 eggs beaten

¼ cup milk

½ cup shredded cheese

Leftover veggies, meat, etc.

Salt and pepper to taste

Beat eggs and milk until light yellow, add in all additional ingredients. Ladle into oiled muffin cups (I love my stoneware muffin pan) and bake for about 20 minutes. Let cool slightly and remove from pan. Enjoy!

Let me know what you think by commenting or visiting me on Facebook!

Now go cook something!


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