Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mesa County Public Library 2011 Edible Book Contest

What the HECK is an edible book?

I had the same question! Turns out it is food that represents a book or story. 

We had 7 amazing creative entries in the first edible book contest at the Mesa County Public Library on Saturday July 9, 2011. 

I was asked to be a judge along with Mande Gableson from Ava Sweet Cakes and we had a great time reviewing all the entrants and determining who we thought was best in all the different categories.

Speaking of categories, here they are:

Best pun intended- these should make you laugh

Most book like- these should look exactly like the cover or represent the cover very closely

Most appetizing- these should make you hungry

Most creative- most original, artistic, or most design oriented

Here are the entries:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets By Alex and Adam Chavez
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by Victoria Chavez

Aladdin by Lyndi Cates

Who Moved My Cheese by Nancy MacDonald

God Save The Sweet Potato Queen by Janet Alcon

Life of PI by Linda Ciavonne

The Two Towers by Linda Ciavonne

See what I mean, fun but not easy. 

Perplexed Trace

The coordinator for the event was Betsey Dick from the Mesa County Public Library and the idea is to increase interaction with books and the library. 

Here are the judges and Betsey:

There were several winners and I might post there names after I come down from the sugar coma!! 

Now go cook read something!


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