Friday, October 11, 2013

The curious case of the missing apples...

If you come to visit me at work, you will notice that I always have a bowl of apples. I like apples, I use them to cut down on my temptation to choose candy or other less healthy snacks, and I am always willing to share.
So I buy two 3 pound bags of apples every two weeks when we do our grocery shopping and I leave one bag at home and take one bag to work, but this last shopping trip I could not find the bag to take to work.
Where could it be? I finally resigned myself to the fact that somehow they must have been thrown away... they were nowhere to be found... until yesterday.
I went downstairs to our freezer to pick out meat to be thawed for our weekly dinner and in the top corner of the freezer was a bag of gala apples, frozen solid.
Awesome... Applecicles! (I might patent that)... What was I going to do... when they thawed they would be mushy and no one likes mushy apples... unless they are in applesauce!
So let them rest until they were soft enough to core, and then I roughly chopped them. A medium size pot with about 3/4 cup of water, 3 lbs of chopped frozen apples, a couple of drops of pure cinnamon oil, and a generous sprinkling of really good cinnamon (from Orr's Trading Company), and a little bit of time was all that was needed to make delicious applesauce.
After the mixture cooked on low for about an hour, I used my immersion blender to blend the mixture to a nice chunky consistency.
Delicious, no sugar added, applesauce. Which was the perfect ingredient for these delicious grain free muffins from the Civilized Caveman

Instead of turning lemons into lemonade, I turned frozen apples in apple muffins...

Go cook something! Trace

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