Monday, January 03, 2011

Help me with a recipe, please????

So I had this idea for a potato casserole, and j think that it turned out, well ok but not great. So I am asking for suggestions because I think this could be amazing, but I not sure which direction to go. Please comment here (not anonymously please) or on my Cooking with Trace Facebook page. Thanks in advance!

Potato casserole
5 thinly sliced potaoes
Meat (could be chicken or pork, or ????)
1 onion
3 garlic cloves
Salt / pepper

In 9x13 Oiled pan place 2 layers of potatoes then 1 layer of pork or chicken then onions then 2 layers of potatoes.
Season with salt and pepper. Take a piece of aluminum foil in tip of casserole and press down firmly

Bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes uncover and bake for 15 minutes longer.

Serve with BBQ sauce.

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