Sunday, December 18, 2011

Broiled grapefruit… yeah Broiled.. with an “r”

I have read several blogs lately about the idea of broiled grapefruit, and it is an intriguing idea. I saw one recipe ranging from simple (cut in half, sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, and butter) to decadent (brown sugar, cinnamon, butter, oats, etc…) and while each recipe has its own merits I wanted something different.

I have never been a traditional grapefruit eater, I do use a grapefruit spoon or knife. I typically peel and eat them like an orange. If it is particularly tart I might sprinkle some sugar on the sections. However lately I have been peeling the fruit with a knife and cutting into sections. This way I can make it portable and fairly easy to eat. Here is a quick video on how to peel a grapefruit

So I peeled my fruit and a sliced it into patties (?)

I mixed a pinch of salt with a  ½ teaspoon of sugar and about  ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon and the sprinkled on top of the grapefruit. Placed under the broiler for 5-7 minutes. 

I really liked the flavor, it was interesting to have a warm citrus and the little bit of spice was tasty. I think I will double the amount of topping and broil for just a minute or two longer. 

Enjoy! Now go broil something! 

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